Planning your events the right day
International memorial days increase the interest of media, target groups and sponsors.
20th World Day of Justice
"A for All Best Beginning: Cheers & Chances"
Invite stakeholders and set common activities for the following months.
21st UNESCO International Day of the Mother Language.
Native Context Approach: learn to read and write as natural as you learn to speak your mother tongue.
6th European Day of Speech and Language Therapy
Media Presentation about your Literacy immersion in special schools
Event series "My first own book!"
from02.04. International Day of Children's Books to 15.04. World Art Day:
- DIVERSITY - COMPETITION; Children are painting their self-made portfolios. There are only winners: every work is signed with an award: the Most Colorful, the Most Careful, the Funniest, etc.
- WORKSHOPS for different ages.
15.05. International Day of Families: "Unbridled joy when starting school: games for the whole family."
11th UN World Citizen Day
30th UN Day of Friendship
Headlines of a new tourist attraction: the national alphabet picture book as an emblem of the country and souvenir (small accordion book, poster, card game, figures). Display the products with a poster in tourist shops. And why not allow kids - with elder siblings - to run a market stall?
05th International Headache Day of the WHO "No headache but Art!
08th UN World Day of Literacy, "Abecedarians Ahead". Exhibition of all products.
09. Grandparents Day, "Dear Grandma, dear Grandpa, read me what": TV NOTICE OF THE FREE DOWNLOADS.
15th International Day for Education, Freedom and Democracy "Better Education - Better Democracy"
5th UNESCO World Teaching Day: "The Beginning Decides"
17th UN International Day for the Elimination of Poverty, DONATION CALL, public as well as personal, for "10 days for humanity: donating perspectives!" 10 - 20 December and for World Day of Justice 20.Jan.
12th Unicef Children's Day of Broadcasting. "Reading: a child's play" Invite TV to the classroom and let the children tell.
25th International Artist Day. "Educational Art"
Authors / illustrators make their alphabetical images known at
and invite artists of other countries and languages.
10th to 20th December 10 DAYS FOR HUMANITY: DONATING PERSPECTIVES! Media appearances mentioning the names of the sponsors.
10th Dec UN Day of Human Rights: donate Alphabet-Picture Book & DVD to girls without school education and invite them to:
-18th Dec. UN Day of Migrants, Workshop from Sat. to Mon. in the most disadvantaged district of the city including material distribution.
- 20th dec. UN Day of Human Solidarity DVD.