The names of those trained by ABCDirekt are listed here under their qualification:
Their contact details can be requested at the ABCDirect center of the respective country.
Invite trainees to your nursery school or daycare center. They will show you the method and how to use the material.
Try it out together in your classroom and use the visit as training for your staff.
Try it out together in your classroom and use the visit as training for your staff.
Coach for Brain-Based Literacy
This certification enables the graduate to teach the alphabet and handwriting by brain-based approach,
using storytelling to enable children to learn letters in real word terms rather than as abstract shapes.
The graduate has
- a clear understanding of the neurological processes of learning and retaining information.
- the ability to apply this knowledge to literacy tuition.
- a clear understanding of the neurological processes of learning and retaining information.
- the ability to apply this knowledge to literacy tuition.
Here you can find the graduates per country:
Student teachers
Certified Coaches
Certified Instructors
Consultant of Brain-Based Education
This certification enables the graduate
- to provide methodical advice in terms of brain-based education.
- to design lessons in a brain-based way.
The training includes:
Biography of the Brain
What brain cells need at which age. The so called critical Phases.
What the brain can and can not do. Neuroplasticity.
Different methodological needs of boys and girls. Body control and intellectual development.
The day schedule of the brain
What builds and protects neurons. The role of questions, errors and gratefulness.
Why lessons need to be exciting. Tasks of the Hippocampus.
Unexpected impact of violence on the screen. Pavlov's classical conditioning.
How our criticism can change us. In our own brain, we are constantly a programmer.
Why rewards are own goals. What do we connect?
Why pleasure before work leads to success. The biochemistry of learning.
What matters by the end of the day. The 'night shift' of the brain.
What matters by the end of the day. The 'night shift' of the brain.
IT Technics in the Brain
How feelings affect memory. Purposes of the amygdala.
Stress management: bypassing the 'reptile' brain. Modern means handling stone-age functions.
First encounters - developing a positive relationship with a subject. Central and lateral storage.
Mind-map for your 'Mexican Hat'. Center-Surround Function.
How to connect with a new language as naturally as with the mother tongue. Center-Surround Function.
How to ensure that not the mistake, but the desired correction is remembered. Functions of the Hippocampus.
Here you can find the graduates per country:
Student teachers
Certified Consultants
Certified Instructors
Designer of Brain-Based educational material
This certification enables the graduate to create brain-based educational materials.
The graduate has a clear understanding of the physiological impact artistic means have on the learning functions of the brain.
The graduate has a clear understanding of the physiological impact artistic means have on the learning functions of the brain.
Materials developed include:
Alphabet story
Poster of the Alphabet Story
Poster for hand and print writing
Alphabet game cards
Coloring in book
Exercise book
Toolbox for creative writing
Here you can find the graduates per country: