


Free Downloads for activities from age 1 to 9,

co-financed by the EU-Commission for Education and Culture:

Picture books, music, videos, exercise books, reading books, games and a certified training for
speech development, body control, foreign language immersion, role play, reading and writing.

A quintessence of current research and methodology



Why ABCDirekt ?

Everyone knows, young children are learning incredibly fast with enthusiasm and without teacher.
Research shows: that's how we are able to learn all our life, once the functions of the brain are respected! 

Is there the need for a new literacy approach?
What's different about ABCDirekt? 
Neurophysiological findings applied directly
Where are we going?
Welcome to cooperation


Is there the need for a new literacy approach?

In 2003, the OECD declared the improvement of literacy teaching to be the first educational goal worldwide. A flood of materials has been rising in markets and Youtube channels respectively. However, reading and writing skills have deteriorated. Games and haptic letters did not result in the expected change. 

Brain research enables to understand, why reinforcing the measures increases the problem. Because the line between what supports and what impedes brain development, runs during childhood between the concrete and the abstract world. The shape of a letter is abstract. Even if it’s a toy letter you can touch and take, it has no function like a spoon and a fork have.
In order to make practical use of the new research results and to develop an ABCDirect key that corresponds to the child's brain, scientists and schools in more than 10 European countries have been consulted over the course of a decade. 

What's different about ABCDirekt? 

There is nothing abstract anymore. Everything is concrete. Even the writing movement illustrates concrete actions of the story. As an interactive fairy tale, the ABC becomes the resource for a variety of activities.

Clapping, dancing, speaking, listening, painting, drawing and learning with all the senses: an adventure journey, during which adults and children uncover potential together.
The illustrations and templates are hand-drawn with simple, yet dynamic, lines that help children's mirror neurons get into their own activity.
The choice of words provides the receptionist of the brain, the hippocampus, with the necessary pinch of surprises that this Novelty-Detector needs to stay on the ball and not to switch to stand-by mode.
Gently embedded in the soundful lyrics, also new terms are quickly remembered and complete the vocabulary. 
Themes from the world of children's experiences awaken social awareness and the feeling "I have already experienced that, this is exciting, this is important for me!"
Three and four-year-olds already internalize the alphabet enthusiastically within days.

Neurophysiological findings applied directly

This  Material and approach enables the brain to store the alphabet in the form of contextual and emotional experiences, haptic fine-motor training, as well as visual and auditory stimuli by directly experienced meaningfulness. This results in tightly linked neural networks that work sustainably in a focused way.
It’s exactly how things have to happen.” clinical Psychologist and Director

Where are we going?

Language and writing form the big gate of human encounter,  - of encounters that separate - and encounters that connect. Let’s enable children to walk without fear through this gate and to experience language and writing in a culture, where not thread or hate messages accelerate, but connectedness is able to grow for each individual in the spirit of humanity.

Welcome to cooperation

- Introductory courses in primary and nursery schools with the support of the European Commission for Education and Culture.
- Certified training :
       - Coach for brain-friendly literacy
       - Consultant for brain-friendly education
       - Designer of brain-friendly educational material.
- Partnerships for innovation projects with partners abroad
- Job offer for creative educators
- Impressum Internships for pupils and students
- Volunteer placements Volunteer placements in Europe

The team of the Loved-Living-Alphabet

Regula, Nanou, Gawan, Maria, Clara, Gudrun, Anca, Eugen, Elena, Jana, Luigi, Paolo, Birute, Tomas